GPS for the Soul: For When You Feel Scattered
“The number one enemy in the spiritual life: hurry sickness. Why is eliminating hurry from our lives so crucial? When we eliminate hurry, we become present, or more specifically, present to the present moment in all of its glory. We become aware of our surroundings. We see colors and smell smells; we hear hushed sounds and can actually feel the wind in our faces. In short, we ‘show up’ and experience the fullness of life. And that includes, not least of all, being present to God. If I am to live well as a Christian, I need to be constantly connected [to God].” James Bryan Smith
“But within ourselves, we can experience a real difference between restlessness and solitude. What is that difference? It is the difference between living in freedom rather than compulsion; restfulness rather than restlessness; patience rather than impatience; inwardness rather than frenzied outwardness; altruism rather than greediness; authentic friendship rather than possessive clinging; and empathy rather than apathy.” Ronald Rolheiser
"There are no experts in prayer, only people who have been faithful to the ache in their hearts.” Macrina Wiederkehr
As we move into the summer still handwringing and handwashing, we wonder where we’ll find relief. I’ve written a few times about how hard it has been for me to be undivided enough to experience God’s presence. Well, in all honesty, the challenge continues!
But one thing that has helped is a simple practice called GPS for the Soul. I learned it from my friend Danny Mullins of Sustainable Faith. A GPS tells us where we are. Amidst all the highways and byways, the bumps and turns, a little red pushpin locates me. It's like the arrow on a map at the subway; it says, “You are here.”
I’ve used this practice with groups, with people who come to see me for spiritual direction--and for myself when I need help gathering all of my fragmented parts under the pushpin with God's presence.
I long for my thoughts, feelings, body, and desires to be integrated, but sometimes I don’t know how to do it. GPS for the Soul helps, and it’s so simple (not easy, but simple):
Gather yourself in quiet in a comfortable place and rest awhile.
Then, think about what has dominated your thoughts for the last week or so. Write them down, two or three things in bullet form. Where does your mind go most often?
Next, consider what feelings have been most present to you? Sometimes it’s hard to pick feeling words or even know what our feelings are. Perhaps a "feelings wheel" will give you the words you need to describe what you’ve been experiencing. Jot down a few feelings.
Then, do a quick body scan. Start at your head and work down. Is there a place you have been holding tension? Your shoulders or jaw? Maybe you’ve had an upset stomach. Write those down.
Now, as you're quiet, what do you notice rising up in you? What is your greatest desire, longing? (Don’t judge it as good or bad, just notice it.) And write that down.
Next, look over all you’ve written three times slowly. Do you see any themes or connections? Any surprises or new insights?
Finally, what do you sense God is inviting you to? What would your kind and generous Father say to you regarding what you’ve learned about where you are today.