Letting Go of Our Grip


"Let go of your grip and know that He is God."

Psalm 46:10

At the heart of this interpretation is the invitation to relinquish control. To wave the white flag. To give consent to the love and presence of God in our lives. As we prepare for our guided, silent retreat on Thursday, here are some questions to consider. Ruth Haley Barton, in Invitation to Retreat, asks, What would it be like to surrender:

  • the need to be good and perfect and get it right?

  • the need to be needed or to serve others?

  • the need to succeed or manage our image?

  • the need to be seen as special or unique, not needing what others need?

  • the need to observe from a distance and remain disengaged?

  • the need for security or to play it safe?

  • the need to avoid pain?

  • the need to oppose, whether it be ideas, people or schedules?

  • the need to avoid whatever disturbs your peace?

In other words, what would it be like to let go of our grip on our need for security, esteem or control?

Consider naming your needs right now. Tell God what's surfacing. Practice opening your hands slowly. EXHALE. Let His love rest gently on your open hands. Feel His hand in yours.

We know He wants to fill your life with His smile, His gaze, your belovedness. We know He's grateful you're letting go and making space for His love.