Spiritual GPS


Spiritual GPS Exercise

Get comfortable. Close your eyes and seek to be still and quiet. Relax your body. Now, take some deep breaths and as you exhale, release any anxiety or stress you feel. Believe that God is a kind and generous Father. And that the Son is near. And that the Holy Spirit can pray in and through you. 

 Step 1:

Begin with Prayer: “Give us the grace to know where we have been.”

  • In the past 2-4 weeks, what has dominated your thoughts? What has kept your mind preoccupied? Where have you found your thoughts wandering to? 

  •  In the past 2-4 weeks, what are the principle emotions you have felt?  (Be careful to name feelings, not thoughts.)

  •  In the past few weeks, what have you noticed in your body? Any tension? Where?

  • When you are quiet, what do you find yourself longing for the most?

Step 2: Read over your answers three times slowly. As you do, notice what stands out to you. 

Step 3:  Write your observations. 

Step 4: How does the Lord want to meet you OR What do you sense the Lord is inviting you to? Write that answer.

This form by Danny Mullins, Sustainable Faith



Judy Nelson Lewis