Wave Breath
Wave Breath
The ocean has a rhythm of its own.
Waves come in.
There's small pause.
Waves go out.
Another pause.
Think of the waves.
Match your breath
to the rhythm of the waves.
Breathe in as the wave
comes to the shore.
Breathe out like the receding wave.
Let your breath follow the rhythm
of the waves bringing calm and peace.
Did your summer include a trip to the beach or lake? Ours did. Are you longing for some calm and peace as the summer winds down and school and activities ramp up? I am!
I've taken to the habit of gently inhaling and saying, "My breath is my anchor." Pause. Then exhaling: "Jesus is near." Pause. It helps me find a rhythm of rest and reset, like the waves I loved this summer. What helps you?
("Wave Breath" from Betsy Duffey's beautiful and simple prayer book, More Peace. )